Server information covering the last 48 hours
Usage graph

IP & port37.97.157.237:27910
Total player time5 hrs, 20 mins
Most players at once3
Server version7.71.7 x86_64 Oct 6 2024 linux-gnu
AAOCS has served 11 maps in the last 48 hours
MapServed TimePlayed TimePeak players
ctf-rockwar18 hrs, 8 mins1 hr, 14 mins3
ctf-terminal-classic28 hrs, 27 mins1 hr, 7 mins3
ctf-europa16 mins48 mins3
ctf-facingworlds14 mins42 mins3
ctf-radia11 mins33 mins3
ctf-zion-retro15 mins26 mins2
ctf-atrix11 mins11 mins1
ctf-eizo10 mins10 mins1
ctf-bsfortress6 mins6 mins1
ctf-anxiety1 min3 mins3
ctf-zorn1 min00
3 players have played on AAOCS in the last 48 hours
NameTimeAverage ping
martian1 hr, 48 mins165.7 ms
[GM]Jar'El1 hr, 46 mins15.0 ms
dbok1 hr, 46 mins126.8 ms

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Database updated on Tue, 22 Oct 24 15:13:01 +0000. Page generated in 0.031 seconds.
© 2007 Tony Jackson - tonyj[at]cooldark[dot]com
Maintained by Jar-El