Map information covering the last 48 hours


Map namedm-deathray
Infosupplied with the game
Total player time37 mins
Time served300 hrs, 3 mins
Most players at once1
5 players have been using dm-deathray
Player (cumulative time)13 mins
me nob10 mins
sickNur8 mins
Dave5 mins
Joshaby1 min
12 servers have hosted dm-deathray
HostnameServed timePlayer timeMax players
Alien Arena Server10 mins10 mins1
noname ( mins8 mins1
AAC Insta5 hrs, 3 mins7 mins1
L.A Insta37 hrs, 21 mins5 mins1
noname ( mins5 mins1
FPS GamePlayer Club - Brasil (Team DM)29 hrs, 37 mins1 min1
noname ( mins1 min1
FPS GamePlayer Club - Milan, IT (Team...47 hrs, 58 mins00
FPS GamePlayer Club - Tokyo35 hrs, 40 mins00
FPS GamePlayer Club - USA (Low Gravity)47 hrs, 59 mins00
FPS GamePlayer Club - India47 hrs, 58 mins00
FPS GamePlayer Club - Canada48 hrs00

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Database updated on Fri, 06 Dec 24 10:30:01 +0000. Page generated in 0.049 seconds.
© 2007 Tony Jackson - tonyj[at]cooldark[dot]com
Maintained by Jar-El