Map information covering the last 48 hours
Map name | dm-deathray |
Info | supplied with the game |
Total player time | 17 mins |
Time served | 217 hrs, 40 mins |
Most players at once | 2 |
3 players have been using dm-deathray
Name | Time |
poto | 7 mins |
cletus | 7 mins |
Player (cumulative time) | 3 mins |
9 servers have hosted dm-deathray
Hostname | Served time | Player time | Max players |
Alien Arena Server | 2 hrs, 10 mins | 14 mins | 2 |
noname ( | 3 mins | 2 mins | 1 |
noname ( | 1 min | 1 min | 1 |
noname ( | 1 min | 0 | 0 |
FPS GamePlayer Club - Tokyo | 31 hrs, 56 mins | 0 | 0 |
FPS GamePlayer Club - USA (Low Gravity) | 47 hrs, 58 mins | 0 | 0 |
FPS GamePlayer Club - India | 39 hrs, 34 mins | 0 | 0 |
FPS GamePlayer Club - Canada | 47 hrs, 59 mins | 0 | 0 |
FPS GamePlayer Club - Milan, IT (Team... | 47 hrs, 58 mins | 0 | 0 |